Sunday services start at 10:00 a.m.
Worship with us in person or on Zoom!

Rev. Cheryl Pyrch
Cheryl Pyrch has been at Summit since 2008. She is a graduate of Union Theological Seminary in New York City and also served as an Associate Pastor at Rutgers Presbyterian Church. Before seminary she taught elementary school and has a degree from the Bank St. College of Education. She has been active in the movement for LGBTQ welcome and was one of the first “out” lesbians to be ordained in the PC(USA). She was a founding member of Pennsylvania Interfaith Power and Light and remains active in the work for climate justice through POWER Interfaith. She enjoys birdwatching, reading and cooking. Email:

Clara Hong
Organist and Music Director
Clara Hong has been the music director at Summit since 2015. She got her BA and MA from Seoul Theological University in South Korea and a second MA from Westminster Choir College of Rider University in Princeton, New Jersey. She was an adjunct professor of Seoul Theological University and has been a music director and organist since 1993. She currently teaches piano privately and enjoys cooking, baking and gardening.

Lucas McLean
Office Administrator
Lucas McLean has been at Summit since 2022, after previous work in the performing arts and early childhood education. He lived in Connecticut before moving to Philadelphia, and now lives in Center City, where he enjoys writing and seeing theater.

Harold Tilley
Harold Tilley is the sexton of Summit Presbyterian Church. He has been with Summit for over 20 years. He first started off as the janitor but quickly became the sexton. Harold loves and takes pride in whatever he does. He proudly keeps the maintenance of the church running smoothly. Anyone who needs help he gladly helps. He is only a phone call away. Harold's favorite things to do are fishing, traveling, talking on the CB radio -- which he has an abundance of -- and spending time with his family.

Reggie Ballard
Reggie Ballard has been at Summit for 16 years, doing a little bit of everything. He loves helping anybody he can around the building.