Sunday services start at 10:00 a.m.
Worship with us in person or on Zoom!
Welcome to Summit Presbyterian Church
We are a diverse and spirited congregation of the Presbyterian Church (USA), seeking to proclaim God's love in Christ through word and deed. We gather every Sunday morning at 10:00 a.m. We share joys and concerns, pray, sing and hear the Word proclaimed in scripture, sermon and music.
We come from many different backgrounds, and believe that the journey of faith is full of questions as well as joy. You can learn about our ministries, history and mission on this website. If you would like to worship God in a caring community, come "taste and see"! You can reach our pastor, Cheryl Pyrch, at (215) 438-2825 or
Sunday services start at 10:00 a.m.
Join us for worship in person or on Zoom!
Save the date! The Mt. Airy Village Fair will be on Sunday, September 22 from 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. (rain or shine), and Summit will have a table. Learn more here.
The Summit organ is back! Following damage from a thunderstorm last year, the repair on our organ is finally complete. Thank you to our organ technician Steve Jones for his months of hard work — And join us on Sundays to hear our organist Clara Hong play.
On Wednesday evenings from 7:30 - 8:30 we study the scripture passage for Sunday, and then share joys and concerns as we gather for prayer. It’s a chance to connect mid-week and enjoy rich conversation. Access from the worship link above.
Blessing Bags provide help for those experiencing homelessness in Center City; we also work with the Outreach Center of Mental Health Partnerships. Blessing Bags contain non-perishable food items such as granola bars, pretzels, fruit snacks, raisins, chips, crackers, small water bottles and non-food items like small tubes of toothpaste, toothbrushes, small soft packs of Kleenex, chap-stick, vaseline lotion. We collect items on Sunday. For more information, contact
We welcome seniors from the church and community (55 and over) to a home-cooked meal and joyous fellowship. Join us on first and third Tuesdays at noon in the Parlor! Elder Diner is on a break for the summer and will return on September 17. Save the date!
On Friday June 7, Summit joined with P'nai Or Jewish Renewal Congregation for a service of prayer, silence, and song, as part of the city-wide Toll the Bell sound installation to honor victims of gun violence. We gathered on the Summit lawn, where the Shofar was blown, members of the Summit Bell Choir rang hand bells, and the church bells were rung for five minutes to represent the 1 in 5 families who have lost a member to a gun. Thank you to all who organized and joined this service.
Photo credit: Rivkah Walton